Athlete Registration for Sept/Oct 2023

    Athlete Details

    Please fill out if registering a sibling.

    Parent/Guardian Contact Details (Main Emergency Contact)

    to Knutsford Harriers using this information to contact me which includes adding me to the Harriers WhatsApp group (mainly used for cancellations and/or upcoming events).

    Medical Information

    Please detail below any important medical information that our coaches should be aware of
    (eg epilepsy, asthma, diabetes etc.). If none, leave blank.

    Membership Fees Due

    Please tick your amount due. Tick both boxes if paying for a sibling. Payment covers sessions between 20th September and 18th October, 2023.

    Upon submission of this form, you will be sent an email containing the Knutsford Harriers' bank transfer details. Please help us keep payment contactless. Thanks!

    Consent For Photography and Images of Children

    During your child’s membership of Knutsford Harriers, we may wish to take photographs and/or videos. Photographs/videos may be used on Facebook, Twitter, or on our website. Photography will only take place with the permission of the Head Coach. You can ask to see the images of your child held by us and you may withdraw your consent at any time. We need your permission to use any photographs/videos of your child. Please read the following and select the appropriate statement.

    I understand that members of the Knutsford Harriers and Athletics Club may take images of activities that show my child/children in a positive light such as during training or competitions. Photographers acting on behalf of Knutsford Harriers may take images for use on Facebook, Twitter or on our website. Embarrassing or distressing images will not be used. The Club will regularly review and delete unwanted material.

    Do you give your consent for photographs and/or videos to be taken and used? Please tick in the appropriate box below.

    I give my consent for pictures to be taken and used along with child's name.

    I give my consent for pictures to be taken and used, but DO NOT wish for my child’s name to be associated with their photograph(s).

    I do not give my permission for pictures to be taken and used.

    Events Survey

    Please select the events that your child (or children) is interested in learning and/or improving upon. This will help us put together future training sessions. Maximum of three (though the form will let you select more if needed). Thanks!

    Parent Volunteers

    And lastly, if you have any secret athletic abilities, a bit of leading experience, or are just interested in the fun of athletics for kids and would like to volunteer an occasional hour to help at our training sessions, we would love to hear from you. Please check if you'd like to get involved as we can always use the help. Thank you!